Best dressed gifts.™

Togs -- n. pl.: Clothing. Especially a set of clothes and accessories for a specified use. Merriam Webster Online Dictionary

The Gift Togs™ Story

In 1997, I wanted to change the way my family thought about gift wrap. Reusable paper gift wrapping bags weren't satisfactory. I save them, always with the intent of reusing them, but they sometimes get closet-worn before they get that second use. Drawstring bags were aesthetically unsatisfying. I wanted to make pieces that we really would use year after year. I'm happy to say, I found success. We have pieces that have been used many times over the years for birthdays and Christmas.

As my children were growing up, I always gave them the choice when they gave gifts to their friends. Would they like to use paper gift wrap or a paper gift bag, so their gift wouldn't stand out? My kids always chose my fabric Gift Togs™, and they were always well-received.

I recently took a gift to a white elephant gift exchange wrapped in a Gift Tog Toga™, and it was the first gift chosen. The man who chose it said, "I want this. I don't care what's in it, I just want to open it!"

I know the gift wrapping linens that I have made over the years are going to be family heirlooms for my family. My kids are all adults now, and they still favor fabric gift wrapping linens over paper gift wrap. I hope that Gift Togs™ will become family heirlooms for every family.

small bags
Gift Togs™ Gift Bags
Five pairs of jeans
Best Dressed Gifts™
Try wrapping this
Gift Wrapping Challenge
Napkin Ring Collection
Trimmings and Accessories
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